We all want the people we love to be vibrant and full of energy for as long as possible. However, as people age and lose the ability to care for themselves, they might need help. Fortunately, Colorado laws provide several legal avenues for this – among these is...
Guardianships & Conservatorships
How guardianships and conservatorships differ
Some people use the terms guardianship and conservatorship interchangeably. While these two roles are similar, as they appoint someone to make decisions on behalf of a party that is incapable, they focus on different aspects of that person’s life. Understanding the...
How guardianship helps protect the most vulnerable people
The idea behind guardianship can be divisive in some circles. There are people, especially those who are older or who struggle with significant health issues, that think of guardianships as unnecessary or even a way for the state, medical institutions or supportive...
Can your family challenge a conservator or guardian?
When the Colorado probate courts appoint a conservator or a guardian, they allow one adult to take responsibility for and control over someone's daily life or finances. Frequently, the person serving as conservator or guardian will have a pre-existing relationship...
Protecting your elderly relative from financial scams
Your elderly relatives have spent decades ensuring that you and the rest of the family are looked after. At some point, however, there will come a time when these roles need to be reversed. While elderly people are often still highly independent, they can also be...
Why do some people have corporate or professional conservators?
Advanced age or medical conditions can compromise someone's ability to take care of themselves. Often, issues with financial matters are an early warning sign of someone's declining ability to live independently. It can be difficult for an older adult or someone...
Can you protect your autistic adult child from financial exploitation?
You have an autistic child, and you love them with all your heart. They’re high-functioning, so they don’t need a legal guardian to handle all major decisions for them. You are worried, however, how they may fare once they come into their inheritance from you – and...
Can a guardian protect a ward from themselves?
If a guardian is chosen for an elderly individual who is incapacitated in some way, there could potentially be conflicts between what the two parties think is the best decision. After all, that incapacitation may not mean that the elderly person is physically...
Challenges for interstate guardians in Colorado
When you are potentially going to be the guardian for someone you care about, you may find that it is more complex than you thought just because you’re across state lines. When you cross state lines, rules and laws change. Determining jurisdiction may become a...
How does guardianship differ from conservatorship?
Some people mistakenly use the words guardianship and conservatorship interchangeably, as if they are exactly the same thing. The reason for this mistake is simple: These two types of legal situations do address a similar circumstance where an elderly person needs...