With age comes experience, and experience can make a person wise. Many adults who have decades of lived experience understand the world better than young people just starting out in life. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that older adults always make the best,...
Guardianships & Conservatorships
What are the requirements to serve as a conservator?
A conservator holds a position of implicit trust. They receive authority granted by the courts to manage the financial assets that belong to another person and help fulfill their financial responsibilities. Conservatorship usually involves the vulnerable person who...
Three times a family needs a conservatorship or guardianship
In Colorado, conservatorship and guardianship are legal arrangements that provide another — the conservator or guardian — with the authority to make decisions on another individual’s behalf. These arrangements are particularly important in scenarios where individuals...
The difference between conservatorship and guardianship
Most adults in Colorado pride themselves on maintaining an independent lifestyle. They earn their own wages and maintain their own households, possibly with the support of a spouse. Technically, anyone who reaches the age of 18 or older has responsibility for their...
What does assuming guardianship over an elderly parent entail?
It can be a very difficult experience to watch parents age. Changes in their physical appearance and abilities can be hard to process for those who always looked up to their parents. Witnessing cognitive decline can be outright painful. The adult children of aging...
Why care facilities may ask for a conservatorship
Working adults spend decades saving for their retirement years. When someone hopes to age in place, they need adequate resources to maintain their home, pay taxes and cover cost-of-living expenses. Those who move into nursing homes will likely have costs that are many...
Family guardianship is often preferable to facility guardianship
The law in Colorado allows those concerned about the well-being of an older adult to go to court and request either a guardianship or a conservatorship. A guardianship allows one adult to assume legal responsibility for the daily life of another adult, a choice which...
What to know about guardianships and conservatorships
Finding yourself in a position where you have to make a difficult decision on how to care for your aging parents is undeniably difficult. You’re facing a role-reversal situation and the thought of your parents not being able to look after themselves is one no one...
3 signs you need to find a guardian for your aging parent
Watching your parents age and lose their independence can be quite difficult. However, this is inevitable with age. If your parent is no longer able to care for themselves due to age-related complications or incapacitation, you may need to petition the court to...
Can you name different legal and fiduciary guardians for a child?
As a young couple diligently doing your estate planning, you have a life insurance policy in place for your children. You’re in accord on who should rear the kids if the unimaginable occurs, and they’ve agreed to step up. You’ve covered all the bases, right? Maybe...