More Than 20 Years Of Serving Colorado Families And Businesses In Times Of Need

Interactive Intake Form

In order to maximize our time together at the initial free consultation, we ask that you take a moment to complete the questionnaire below and select the downloadable form that best corresponds to your legal issues. Complete the form, print and bring with you to your scheduled appointment. Please be assured that the information that you send will be held in confidential.

By answering this form, you are not establishing an attorney/client relationship with Chayet & Danzo, LLC. An attorney/client relationship will only be established upon the signing of an engagement agreement for legal services after an in-person consultation with an attorney for Chayet & Danzo, LLC to determine whether or not our firm can assist you with your case..

If you have not yet made your first appointment with us, please click Contact Us or call our office at 303-872-5980.

Conservatorship and Guardianship Intake Form.

Probate Administration Questionnaire.

Public and Private Benefit Planning Intake Form.

Simple Estate Planning Intake Form.