More Than 20 Years Of Serving Colorado Families And Businesses In Times Of Need

Consulting Counsel Personal Injury Workers Comp Lawyers

Colorado Attorneys As Consulting Counsel And Co-Counsel In Personal Injury Cases

When a personal injury case or workers’ compensation claim is settled or litigated for a client who is either on Medicaid, Medicare or expected to become Medicaid/Medicare-eligible within 30 months, there are a number of complex issues that must be resolved.

In order to protect the financial interests of vulnerable clients’ while ensuring their eligibility for public benefits and settling their claims, personal injury and workers compensation attorneys should consult with the knowledgeable estate planning and elder law attorneys at
Chayet & Danzo, LLC, to ensure an appropriate and fair settlement for their clients.

We provide consultation and co-counsel services to personal injury law firms with incapacitated clients. Our elder law attorneys routinely analyze public and private benefits programs. They are familiar with the tax and legal considerations arising under disability and public benefits law and have in-depth understanding of Medicare set-aside requirements, Medicaid eligibility, Disability Trusts, Colorado Rule of Probate Procedure 16 petitions, and qualified settlement funds.

Our firm can assist your firm in addressing all aspects of Medicaid and Medicare compliance, including negotiating and settling Medicaid liens and claims, Medicare set-aside cost projections, and Medicare conditional payment verification. We assist with Medicaid planning, Medicare Set-Aside Trusts and Medicare Set-Aside Custodial Agreements. We can advise on the coordination of
public and
private benefits.

We provide pre- and post-settlement consultation regarding settling of the clients’ personal injury claim, including:

  • Counseling, drafting and preparing Rule 16 petitions to the probate court,
  • qualified settlement funds, and other funding mechanisms.
  • Draft/prepare:
  • Special Needs Trusts
  • Medical Care Trusts
  • Supplemental Needs Trusts
  • Disability Trusts
  • Irrevocable Discretionary Support Trusts
  • Medicare Set Aside Trusts (MSAT) and Medicare Set Aside Accounts (MSA)

We assist with settlement fund administration and provide screening of fiduciaries. We can analyze your client’s exposure to liens.

Our Colorado Elder Law Attorneys

Attorney Marco Chayet is an active member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and an officer of the Colorado Chapter of NAELA. Mr. Chayet is an active member of the Elder Law Section of the Colorado Bar Association where he serves on the Executive Council. He is a member of the Academy of Special Needs Planners.

Dawn Hewitt works in the areas of conservatorships, guardianships, probate, and public and private disability benefits and long-term care planning and regularly consults with personal injury attorneys on these matters.

For Legal Consulting And Co-Counsel Services

Contact Chayet & Danzo, LLC or call 303-872-5980 to set up an appointment.