How do you maintain your estate plan
- Leave a list for your family specifying location and explaining the following items:
- Name, address, and phone numbers of your clergyman/rabbi, attorney
- Will, trust, living will, and power(s) of attorney
- Birth and marriage certificates
- Records of business and investment interests
- Contracts (including installment purchase agreements)
- Account numbers for checking, savings, and credit union accounts
- Social Security, IRA, and pension plan numbers, and the administrator or contact person, accountant/tax preparer, physician(s), stockbroker, and insurance agent(s)
- Burial or cremation preferences
- Safe deposit box and key, checkbooks/passbooks
- Registration and proof of ownership for vehicles
- Real estate deeds, title policies, closing statements, mortgages, record of debts besides normal monthly bills
- Income tax returns
- Mortgage payments, tax receipts and leases
- Stock certificates and bonds (plus records of cost and date of purchase)
- Records of loans, credit cards, and charge accounts, record of divorce, veteran service and discharge records
- Insurance policies – life, medical, health, disability, property, auto, mortgage
- Receipts of appraisals of valuables