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What home care is and why it is important

On Behalf of | Dec 23, 2015 | Long-Term Care Planning |

The last time we talked about long term care planning was about a month ago. We wrote about LTC insurance, and how it can prove very beneficial to some people. Today, we’re going to talk about home care, what options there are for this type of care and why many people choose this type of care for the end of their life.

You can probably guess what “home care” entails, but let’s cover some of the basics anyway. Home care encompasses an array of services and treatments that an older person can receive at their home. One of the greatest benefits of utilizing home care is that it allows the older person to retain his or her independence while also allowing the person’s family to worry less about their loved one living on their own.

You can have individuals that medically care for the older person; they can provide personal care and help with some necessary tasks and chores; they can provide safety for the older person and help them with their diet. Home care really can be a great choice for many people.

Of course, as with any care plan for older people, the cost of the care will be a paramount issue that you must deal with. This is why LTC insurance can be helpful for some, but it may not be beneficial to other people. Carefully consider your financial options when you are looking into home care and think about how you will pay for the considerable costs associated with this type of care.

Source: FindLaw, “Home Care Options for Elders,” Accessed Dec. 23, 2015

