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2 valuable benefits derived from a Colorado living will

On Behalf of | May 18, 2023 | Estate Planning |

A living will is one of the most valuable advance directives that people can include in their estate plans, and it is also one that people all too often overlook. They put together a durable power of attorney to name someone to act as their agent and a will designating beneficiaries for their biggest personal assets. However, they don’t create a living will to guide their health care.

A living will can be a very important tool for those preparing for their golden years and a possible decline in their health, as well as for those who have serious medical issues, such as a recently-diagnosed form of cancer. What are the two most valuable benefits people derive from a living will in Colorado?

Control over their healthcare

The single most valuable benefit people derive from creating a living will is the control over their medical treatment if they experience some kind of incapacitating emergency. Especially if someone has a chronic health condition that affects what interventions they would prefer or religious beliefs that require that they forgo certain types of treatment, providing clear instructions for loved ones and healthcare providers can eliminate questions about the best treatment options.

Peace of mind for the testator and their family

For the individual creating an estate plan, it can be a source of comfort to know that there are clear instructions about their medical wishes to guide their loved ones, regardless of what may happen in their life. For family members, having a written document to refer to in some kind of family emergency can prove invaluable. Even if people have had difficult conversations with their loved ones about their medical preferences, people experiencing intense stress may have a hard time recalling the details of those conversations or may confuse prior preferences with someone’s changing wishes as their health and family have shifted.

Those who take the time to put their specific wishes in writing will take a certain kind of stress off of their closest loved ones in an emergency and will have the comfort that comes from knowing that their medical preferences are clear and easy for others to follow. Seeking legal guidance to properly integrate important documents into a Colorado estate plan can help people provide for their loved ones and also more effectively protect themselves in an uncertain world.

