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Is your family in crisis after the death of a loved one?

On Behalf of | Oct 13, 2021 | Estate Planning |

When your loved one passes away, it can throw your family into crisis mode. Immediately, you’re focusing on your grief and figuring out how to manage without your loved one present.

If they were unwell or older, you may have had some time to plan for their passing. If not, though, this could be sudden and extremely upsetting.

It’s at this time that you do need time to grieve. However, there are legal processes that need to begin as well. For that reason, it’s important to understand where you can find help with your loved one’s estate.

Getting help after the loss of a loved one

It is wise to look for assistance after your loved one passes away. If you’ve been named the executor of the estate, you may want to work closely with an attorney to make sure that you understand the role and what is expected of you. They may be able to help you pass that position on to another party if you don’t feel comfortable taking it on as well.

It’s most important for you and your family to have the space and time to grieve, which is why legal support matters so much. Knowing that someone is working behind the scenes to keep track of deadlines and important legal steps you have to take can take a world of pressure off your shoulders.

It’s reasonable to need help with estate and trust administration

Unless you work in law, there is a pretty good chance that you’ll need support with estate and trust administration. This includes jobs like paying off your loved one’s debts and filing their final tax return. Having someone work with you who understands and can provide counsel on these tasks is key to making sure that they are done right and that you or others in your family don’t face the right of any legal repercussions down the line for errors you may make.

Hopefully, your loved one had an estate plan in place to help make this process simpler. If not, then it is even more important to look into seeking help.

