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Oops! Is Britney Spears’ conservatorship still appropriate?

On Behalf of | Aug 14, 2019 | Guardianships & Conservatorships |

The accomplished 37-year-old pop star has been subject to a California conservatorship since 2008 for both her personal and financial affairs, following highly publicized mental health problems and erratic behavior.

While media reports are somewhat inconsistent, PopCulture reports that her father, who serves as the sole conservator of the person and of her estate, wants to expand the conservatorship into three other states in which Spears spends time. He reportedly has in his capacity as conservator managed her personal budget, signed contracts and handled her family law matters with her ex-husband.

According to an article in Above the Law, the state court is also considering whether the conservatorship should continue. Various sources report that Spears seeks to at least decrease the powers her father has as conservator.

Above the Law reports that the court “has ordered an expert evaluation of the case.” The court’s decision could be announced as early as September, according to

Colorado guardianship and conservatorship

Like California, Colorado has its own detailed laws in this area. In Colorado, a guardianship provides protections for a vulnerable person in areas of personal care (like conservatorship of the person in California) and a conservatorship appoints someone to manage financial, property and business affairs in the interest of the protected person (like conservatorship of the estate in California).

Colorado law requires that for a state court to appoint a guardian, the person of concern must be incapacitated, meaning unable to care for their own physical health and safety, and there must not be a less restrictive way to meet their personal care needs.

A conservatorship is appropriate if a Coloradan has assets that need protection or management because the owner cannot process or understand relevant information or cannot “make or communicate decisions.” Conservatorship is also proper if financial support is necessary for the individual or for others dependent on them.

Anyone concerned about whether a loved one in Colorado can care for themselves or their money or other property should learn more about our state laws governing guardianship or conservatorship.

