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Children of Casey Kasem reach settlement with stepmother

On Behalf of | Dec 27, 2013 | Guardianships & Conservatorships |

Famous radio DJ and voice actor Casey Kasem has been bedridden in the hospital, and his children have had to battle their stepmom in order to visit him. However, the family dispute that has been ongoing since this summer has recently come to an end for the most part. Kasem’s wife – the stepmother to his three children – had allegedly stopped all of the children’s visitation privileges. When one of the children requested legal control of Kasem’s health care, the 59-year-old wife retorted with court papers stating that if the children visited their father, the visits would be unpleasant and intolerable.

The feud seems to be coming to a close, however, as Kasem’s 38-year-old daughter withdrew her request and settled on a visitation agreement. The wife of the 81-year-old host of American Top 40 is pleased that the court proceedings are over. Her attorneys state that the woman, who recently celebrated her 34th anniversary with Kasem, ultimately has his well-being, dignity and happiness in mind. The details of the visitation agreement remain confidential.

The case may not be completely over, however, as one attorney stated that the visitation agreement only applies to two of the ailing celebrity’s children. An attorney for the 41-year-old daughter that was not involved in the agreement states that the new visitation terms are overly restrictive. He said that negotiations are ongoing and that they may have to file a second conservatorship.

A conservatorship legally allows a person to handle financial and estate decisions for a person that is no longer able to do so. While this position is often filled by a family member, anybody that a respondent trusts with their finances can end up acting as a legal conservator. If Kasem’s eldest daughter truly believes that she should visit her father and handle his estate, she should continue to pursue the conservatorship.

Source:, “Casey Kasem Family Feud: Settlement Reached Over Visitation With Dad” Ken Lee, Dec. 20, 2013

